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Planning Board Minutes 11/06/1997




NOVEMBER 6, 1997

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Dave Bickert, Skip Lawrence, Ted Bailey, Ron Lesieur, Paul Adams, Harold Arey, Jeff Andrews, Stanley Brehm and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott called the meeting to order at 7:00pm and requested the Board to review the minutes of October 2, 1997.

Motion was made to accept the minutes with changes.

                        Andrews/Arey            (Passed)

Minutes from October working public hearing were also read.

Motion was made to accept as written.

                        Arey/Brehm              (Passed)

PRELIMINARY HEARING:                    Nolin/Keeler
                                                Map 6, Lots 20 & 21
                                                Canterbury Rd.

Abutters present were Louis and Joan MacIntosh

Mr. Webb Stout registered land surveyor representing Mr. Nolin presented the Board with plans for the subdivision and explained that lot 1 would have 300 foot frontage but the other lot would only have 199 feet.

After discussion motion was made to disapprove because of the nonconforming lot.


Sent to Zoning Board of Adjustment

Protected well area needs to be noted on the plan.

CHICHESTER PLANNING BOARD MINUTES 11/6/97                       PAGE 2

DISCUSSION:                     IMPACT FEES
                                        TOWN OF CHICHESTER

The Board was given handouts and asked to read them mark on them and be ready to discuss them at the December meeting.

A Capital Improvement Plan is needed before Impact fees can be imposed.

To get on the ballot the first meeting must be posted no later than January 9, 1998, the second no later than January 23, 1998 and final copy to selectmen no later than February 4, 1998.

The subject of Commercial property and the impact fee were discussed and the majority of the Board felt the fees should be eliminated for commercial property.

Please remember to read and make corrections or additions to the handouts for next months discussion.

DISCUSSION:                     Abdel Nour/Paquett Property
                                        Used Car Sales
                                        Map 8, Lot 42, Swiggey Brook Rd

Mr. Nour explained to the Board he would like to sell cars on this lot.  The Board informed him he would need to go thru a site review, which would entail having pavement, septic, water and lighting along with a plan to be submitted to the registry of deeds.

Mr. Nour was given a site review checklist.

The Board reviewed requests from Dept. of Safety, and dealt with each of them individually.  Chairman Scott will let the Department know that we only meet once a month and would need more than 10 days to respond.

Motion was made to adjourn.

                        Arey/Andrews            (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm

                                                                Respectfully submitted,